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Why Digital Transformation Projects Fail

Updated: Sep 17

Digital transformation is vital for schools and businesses to keep up in the modern world. Stand still and you’ll be left behind the competition.

But it isn’t straightforward.

Many attempts are doomed to failure before they even begin. Forbes estimates that as many as 84% fail.

So, why do many digital transformation projects fail? And what can organisations do to avoid this fate?

No clear vision

It’s no use starting a digital transformation purely for the sake of it. You need to identify the reasons for it and set clear goals and targets to meet so that progress can be tracked every step of the way.

The very first thing you should do is define what it is that you want to achieve through a digital transformation. What benefits will it bring to your organisation? How can you measure these?

This needs to be agreed upon at all levels of the organisation so that everyone understands what you are working towards. Leadership need to give it their backing and all staff need to be on board with the changes it will bring to their day-to-day work. And speaking of change…

Resistance to change

Nobody likes change.

It’s a bit of a cliché, but there’s a lot of truth in it.

Once people are used to a way of working, it can be challenging to accept doing things differently.

The key is to show them the benefits the change will bring to them. Yes, it will take some effort on their part, but it will be more than worth it. Explain the benefits that have been identified at the start of the project, and show them how this will affect them directly as well as the organisation.

You can implement the best technological solutions available but if you can’t get users engaged with them then your investment will be wasted. So, ensure adequate training and support is available to get them up to speed and show them how this transformation will be worthwhile for everyone.

Forgetting about customers

As well as getting your users on board, you need to keep your customers at the front of your mind too. After all, without them your business is nothing.

Think about how your customers use your systems currently, and how a digital transformation will change that. If you can’t move everyone over to a new system, you’ll end up having to manage two systems and find that any financial gains are immediately lost.

Similarly to with internal users, tell customers well in advance of your plans, and why you are making the changes. Explain how it will benefit them as well as you, and tell them how they can use the new system or how they can get training if necessary.

Most importantly, keep them informed of the latest developments so that there are no sudden surprises that cause them to question the changes you are making.

Lack of expertise

If you decided to knock down an old house and rebuild a modern one in its place, you probably wouldn’t do it yourself unless you happen to be a builder.

So unless you have your own experts in-house you shouldn’t attempt a digital transformation without any outside help. Nobody knows your organisation better than you, but expert consultants who have worked on multiple transformations know the pitfalls to avoid and can give your project a much higher chance of success.

The right consultant will work with you from day one to help you identify your goals and plan a project that will enable you to meet them.

Talk to Counterpoint

Getting the most out of technology is about so much more than simply investing in the latest equipment and software. That’s why Counterpoint offers full IT consultancy to help schools and businesses maximise the return on their investment.

Whether it’s advice or support with your existing systems or a complete digital transformation, we have the experience and skills you need. Our expert consultants will assess your existing setup and work with you to create a plan that will get you where you want to be.

Get in touch and discover how Counterpoint can help your organisation take full advantage of the latest technological developments.


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