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Proactive IT Support: Building a Stronger Foundation for Your Business

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

Proactive IT Support

IT infrastructure plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth functioning of a company's operations. As a result, organisations invest a considerable amount of resources in IT support to ensure that their systems are up and running at all times. However, not all IT is supported equally, and there are two primary types of support: reactive and proactive IT Support.

The difference between proactive and reactive support:

Reactive IT support involves addressing problems as they arise. This means that when something goes wrong, IT staff will investigate and fix the issue. In contrast, proactive IT support involves taking a more proactive approach to prevent problems from occurring in the first place.

Proactive IT support is a pre-emptive approach to IT maintenance and support, which focuses on identifying and resolving potential issues before they become significant problems. This approach involves monitoring IT systems, identifying areas that are likely to experience problems, and taking proactive measures to prevent issues from arising.

Advantages to taking a proactive approach to your IT support:

1. Cost Savings

Businesses are increasingly asked to provide evidence of their Cyber Security measures when purchasing business insurance and seeing to win work from potential clients. Cyber Essentials certification acts as tangible proof that your organisation has implemented robust security measures, enhancing your reputation and instilling trust among customers, partners, and suppliers. In fact, 61% of certified organisations say they are more likely to choose suppliers with Cyber Essentials Certification (NCSE).

2. Enhanced Security

Another advantage of proactive IT support is that it can help organisations improve their overall IT security. With proactive support, IT staff can identify and patch vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by cybercriminals. This is especially important in today's digital landscape, where cyber threats are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated.

3. Improved IT Strategy

Furthermore, proactive IT support can help organisations improve their IT strategy and decision-making. By monitoring their IT systems and identifying areas for improvement, organisations can make data-driven decisions about their technology investments and prioritise IT initiatives that will have the most significant impact on their operations.


Proactive IT support is a more strategic and effective approach to IT maintenance and support than reactive support. It helps organisations save money, improve their overall IT security, and make data-driven decisions about their technology investments. Investing in proactive IT support is an investment in the long-term success of your organisation.

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